Here are a few interesting stories and articles we have enjoyed recently. Do you have any favorite handicap related organizations or publications? We love adding to our news sites!
Circular Gardens Allow Wheelchair to Maneuver – These are such a cool and creative idea! Gardens can be some of the most relaxing places to spend an afternoon, especially as the weather is cooling off. Having a circular garden enables those in wheelchairs to maneuver with little difficulty and enjoy the beauty and the weather the way everyone should.
What it means to be an Athlete – We love the way the IPC (International Paralymic Committee) describes the Paralymic games: “Athletes are what makes each competition thrilling, inspiring, and unique.” We agree! Share your success stories with us, we’d love to hear what makes you unique!
Therapeutic Potential for Some Stem Cells – Research has been done recently that helps scientists understand better what stem cells can be used for regenerating spinal cords. Pretty amazing steps forward in science if you ask us!
Share Your Story September! – This month, we’re collecting stories that inspire, make us laugh, encourage or show true determination. We know that in our families and lives, we have many people like that. If you’ve overcome a challenge, achieved a goal or seen someone do something amazing, let us know!
As always, Van Products is here to make life a little easier by providing wheelchair accessible vans, and to get involved with the wheelchair community in North Carolina and around the world. Get in touch to let us know how we can help you!
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