Over the past few months, we have been exploring the best ways to connect with our community, whether direct outreach, talking with our customers or attending handicap and wheelchair van related events.
So as our next step, we’ve decided to dive right into social media. We want to be as available to you as possible, to answer questions, give shout outs, highlight exciting news in the physically handicapped community or connect people to the products and services they need, so here we are!
‘Like’ Van Products on Facebook!
We’ve had a Facebook page up for some time, so we hope you’ll continue to go there and see updates from our friends and customers as well as to find out about what we’re involved in: Durham Bulls games, national wheelchair related conferences, or sponsoring a local success-story!
You can also visit us on Twitter to get news and events updates, fun facts and learn more about who we are and what we do. Our blog will cover everything from wheelchair related organizations to news stories, from stories you send us to new products we have available.
More Ways to Engage with Van Products on Social Media
These pages are most exciting to us as a potential forum for discussion, interaction and engagement between Van Products, the headquarters for the physically challenged, and the rest of the community- our customers and those whose lives physical impairment impacts.
We see this as an opportunity to educate the social networking communities of what is available for those with mobility impairment. By using Facebook and Twitter as resources to connect, we can pass the word that there are great options available and wonderful opportunities to get involved. Life is a moving experience, and also a social one, so Van Products is here to take part in both!
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