Let’s face it, purchasing a vehicle is a big decision no matter who you are. With the cost of medical bills, daily care, and handicap equipment, the additional cost of a wheelchair van can feel overwhelming. While they are expensive, accessible vans give physically challenged residents greatly increased freedom and mobility, allowing you to go about daily living while maintaining independence.We’ve already explained how fundraisers can be a way to saddle the costs, but seeking the help of your state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services is another great option. Set up by the Rehabilitation Act, Vocational Rehab receives federal funding and carries out a mission to get people with disabilities back to work.The North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services offers independent living programs to help you better manage your life. Their goal is to help those with disabilities participate and function in one’s family, home and community. They provide a number of services either directly, through purchase, or by coordinating with other community resources. A counselor will work with you to develop objectives and identify appropriate services based on financial need such as:
Guidance and counseling
Rehabilitation engineering
Home and vehicle modifications
Independent living skills training
Certain equipment purchases
Assistance with leisure services
Personal assistance services
Regardless of your financial need, anyone can get help. If they can’t meet your needs, they can refer you to other agencies and services.
If your disability limits your ability to live independently, visit your local IL office to pick up an application or give them a call. They’re waiting to hear from you.
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