As part of Braunability’s global movement for accessibility and independence, the Drive For Inclusion campaign has been initiated in order to unite people with mobility impairments and their caregivers, hoping to build a more inclusive society and making it possible for people of all ability levels to fully contribute to the world around them.
Through a series of online surveys, daily data is gathered and shared regarding the challenges and obstacles faced by the disabled community. Through these findings, voices are united and greater, more focused actions are taken towards inclusion.
Join The Driving Force Community
The main resource guiding Braunability’s Drive For Inclusion Campaign comes from the hand of the mobility impaired community and their caregivers, who are invited to be a part of the Driving Force Community, an online effort that unites all voices from the mobility disability community in order to create a greater understanding of their needs and challenges.
Anyone with a mobility impairment and their caregivers are invited to join the campaign, participating in a series of online surveys and polls designed to collect their experiences and challenges on different inclusion related topics, which will then be used to put different inclusion strategies into action and publish an annual Drive For Inclusion report card starting in 2020. This will highlight the learnings and stories gathered throughout the campaign.
Change Is Already Happening
Braunability’s Drive For Inclusion campaign is already showing its potential as the first-ever effort to gather and unify the voices of people across the realm of those with mobility disability to take action for greater access and inclusion, beginning with one of the simplest and most universal symbols of mobility disability: The accessible parking space design.
According to a 2018 survey, 84% of Braunability customers demand for action to be taken in order to prevent the misuse of accessible parking spaces. In order to turn this into a reality and as part of the campaign’s actions during the National Mobility Awareness Month celebrated in May of each year, 3D chalk artist Tracy Lee Stum was invited to redesign the access aisles found next to accessible parking spaces, creating an optical illusion of a raised barrier as a way to prevent people from parking on it and blocking a wheelchair van’s ramp from being deployed.
With the town of Speedway, Indiana being the first one to put this groundbreaking design to the test, the idea is to encourage other businesses and cities to include it if proven successful.
As you can see, change starts by raising our voices and campaigning towards a more accessible world for everyone, so if you wish to be an agent of change we invite you to join the Drive For Inclusion campaign at
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